ये उत्तरा के द्वारा कक्षा में छात्रों को सिखाए गए प्राचीन ग्रन्थों के ध्वनि-मुद्रण हैं । ये अंग्रेज़ी में हैं । अधिकतम लाभ के लिए इन्हें क्रमवार सुनिए ।
These are recordings of the classes of the many ancient texts that have been taught by Uttara. They are in English. Please listen to them in sequence in order to derive the maximum benefit from them.
- Manusmrti
- Ishopanishad
- Kenopanishad
- Kathopanishad
- Swetashwataropanishad
- Yogadarshan
- Sankhyadarshan
- Bhagawad Gita
- Nasadiya Sukta
- Prashnopanishad
Manusmrti is the most ancient book of personal and community law in the world. It is based on the four Vedas, converting their teachings into practical rules for life.
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